The Book of Merm

And so it is written

Saturday, April 08, 2006

From the sound booth

For all of you that don't know (who you are I'm not really sure) but I have been the gamenight DJ for the hockey team in town for this year's season. Thankfully the season is almost done. It's been a long, slow season. It's hard watching your team lose night after night, even though the season started out on a large win streak. As the DJ, no matter how bad the game is, it's my job to play up beat music to get fans cheering. Well I'll be honest, when your team is down 5-1 music isn't going to help at all. But it's what I get paid to do, so like it or not I play music that no one claps too, and instead boo the team and change the words of chants to say "Falcons suck!" So those are the bad nights, the ones that have made this season ridiculously long. But there is a flip side to it, because on some nights we actually win. Other nights we actually get good crowds. On bad nights we get about 2,200 people, and as some will point out, this town has no "real hockey fans. Real hockey fans would demand real hockey music and that is not real hockey music" -Mr. Flavor-. Now mix that with a bad game and you can imagine how dead that building is. But now imagine our best night of about 5,000 people and a close, hard hitting game, with good goals from both sides, and an eventual home win. Playing music that night was amazing. It was me that got 5,000 people clapping and saying "Go Falcons, GO!" That's not a feeling that can really be described, more one that needs to be experienced. Those are good times and keep me coming back and hoping that the next game can be even close to that. Last night we beat my hometown team 7-4 with an amazing goal scoring run in the 3rd. The crowd was small but really into it. Wins are so rare here that the entire mood of the place changed and it was like we had won the Calder Cup. After a few minutes the mood changed when reality kicked in and everyone realized that we have 3 games left and aren't even close to the playoffs, but it was fun for a few minutes right. After next weeks games I'll probably post another little thing looking back on the season, but I just felt like rambling about this stuff right now so I hope you enjoyed and I know you are looking forward to next weeks thoughts on the season.


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