I'm back
So for the past few weeks I've been in exile of sorts from this thing. Lots have gone on since then, and I've been so busy this was pretty much the last thing on my mind. School's almost done, so thats good. My trip to Barbados was fun, and I got a lot accomplished with the people I'll be working for down there. 8 months till i fly down there, I can't wait. I guess this post has no point, or purpose, but just to write something. If anyone reads this let me know. Sorry it's so boring, just a bit burnt out from this whole school thing.
At 2:47 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This post sucks
Try harder Douchebag
Not Hockey Music At All
At 10:08 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Wellll perhaps if instead of saying Barbados was fun, business was good, you could share fun exciting stories about horseback riding on the beach and SPELUNKING. It's called giving the people what they want! That might up the excitement in here a bit.. ;)
Your favorite travel buddy
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