The Book of Merm

And so it is written

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Take a walk

Well today, for reasons out of my imidiate control I was forced to walk a few (8 in total) miles for a dentist appointment. To most people this might sound like a crazy thing to do. Most people hate walking I have found. Not me though, I love it. Anyone that truely knows me would know that walking is one of my favorite things to do. I know that it sounds like a hobby for an old lady in Boca Raton, but trust me, it's a good time. My advice to everyone is take a walk sometime, and not just around your neighborhood. Take a nice long walk simply for the entertainment of it all. For example, on my walk today I walked past a woman laying in her lawn of high grass lionesque. It was just weird, but really amusing. If you are a person that feels that the little things make life funny then walking is for you. Enjoy your walk, maybe they'll be a new post waiting when you get back.


  • At 1:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh so entertaining huh? Musta been SO entertaining that you had to make a phone call to a poor puffy girl on the way home to keep yourself occupied. Yeah. Forget to mention THAT part huh?

    Also, I'm just wondering, how DID it go at the dentist?? As a reader, I'm very curious to know! Why don't you write about that!!! ;)

    - Me


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