I did it. I fianally got to see a full (almost) cricket match between two teams that actually know how to play. I looked up online when a team was playing near me and dragged Dawn out to it. The whole game took about 4 hours, but to be honest, because the weather was so nice and we kept trying to figure things out, I didn't even notice the time going by. So to be clear, just so everyone knows, me not getting bored is a good thing since, well, I'll be watching these matches a lot next spring. And that brings me to my topic of a countdown. I'm guessing most of you have counted down to something cool or big in your life. You must know that it makes you both excited and nervous. I'm excited to go for the chance to do what I am doing, but pretty nervous since I'll be liviong in a foriegn country for four months, and there's no easy way home, just in case. But it will be ok since, well the people of Barbados are really nice, and now I know I really like cricket. This was a bit of a touchy feely post, but deal with it.